Mudder & daughter portrait

Thanks for all your kindness yesterday...
A bit of a rough start to the day after a night of broken sleep with an unsettled Nate, and strange dreams full of Auntie Val.
But late morning we had a good meeting with the Slinns...helped by the fact it was in one of my favourite cafés.

This afternoon included a picnic in the park and clay face masks...Asha loved it.

Drama of the day;
Dropping a pot of freshly puréed peas...they managed to cover a fair distance & decorate a white wall...beautiful shade of green though!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny taking Nate out with him this morning so I could do some washing, get ready for the day, have a coffee...all in peace. 
2) Discovering a new amazing park with huge curly slides.
3) Nate being asleep...He's probably not slept even a total of an hour today...

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