A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Royal Visit Day 2

We climbed into the Lammermuirs and took in the enormous views across into Roxburghshire and East Lothian and beyond, to Port Seton and North Berwick and the Forth.

The air was clear and the visibility excellent, the wind farms majestic and the autumn colours beautiful.

After a lovely lunch at the Waterside in Haddington, we then made our way into Edinburgh, via Holyrood Park, gazing at the scores of little dot people on top of Arthur's Seat. Below the Castle we passed and parallel to Princes Street - until a diversion led us around in circles with more red lights than I have ever encountered before. What a performance! With engine overheating and tempers to match, we eventually found our way out of town and returned home via Dun Law wind farm.

Now, a nice cup of tea within, Mum is relaxing with the paper and I am about to mix some pre-prandials and think about making the curry!

Hope your Saturday is going well.

And no Paradise today! Fantastic!

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