Heads up on OHOV

Cold night last night and first time I closed the vents on the greenhouse. Even so the temperature there dropped to 5oC.

Pleased to find out that our forthcoming Ryanair flight is not in the cancelled list - for the moment.

Off to Glasgow this morning. A crisp clear sunny day which made the turning leaves on the trees shine with colour.

The meeting was about developing the proposals for a young persons' Board for the children's hearings system. The young people we have consulted would like to call it Our Hearings - Our Voice. (OHOV)

We had a presentation from the Life Changes Trust and the inspiring work they have undertaken to involve care experienced young people. Lots of learning

Back to the office to continue the preparation of papers for next week's Board. They seem to take a long time to get correct and the Edinburgh holiday weekend has meant fewer staff around to cross-check. But progress.

The blip is of the pigeons in George Square. Someone had poured some seed onto the grass which was immediately covered by a flock. This pigeon raised his head at just the right moment.

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