Afternoon Trip

Collected the monsters and we went and had breakfast at the Land of Flowers.
We then took a trip down to Peebles to the garage to see what options are open to us regarding trading in/keeping the car later in the year.
All the way down it was 'are we nearly there yet?' .... 'where is it?' .... 'how long will it take?'. Just as well they sat quietly with a hot chocolate and games tablet each while we talked to the salesman.
We will keep the car ..... the new model is due to be changed and the current one doesn't have the bells and whistles that our current one does.
Lunch was down by the Tweed. 
Where we were sitting between the road bridge and the foot bridge was completely under water the last time we were there.
The clouds above the houses and behind the church look better in black & white.

The Cygnet was less than impressed when he needed to go to the loo and it stole my money and wouldn't let him in.
When I phoned the help-line I was told they they would let the engineers know but couldn't release the door or get my money back.
The local council will be getting a stiff letter and should consider themselves lucky they did not get a nasty package handed in!

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