Titley Times

By racheltitley

Hidden wonders

It's always a joy to find something interesting just a short hop from somewhere you've been many times.

As eldest and tiddler have theatre class at two different times on a Saturday morning it can be a rolling drop off pick up drop off pick up kind if morning, but today we decided to build on tiddler's biking success last week (and the sunshine) and go for a bit if a saunter around the grounds while eldest was busy. We've been going there over a year, I've run around a few times, but never crossed the bridge over the canal.

We found a group of wooden animals and the start of the http://www.eaststaffsbc.gov.uk/Services/GreenSpaces/Pages/KingfisherTrail.aspx kingfisher trail. Marked with these wonderful carved totems.

So walking that extra 20 yards or turning a corner or staying 5 minutes longer could bring you an undiscovered joy too.

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