The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson

What a difference a year makes.

This time last year, Jimjam had her bone marrow transplant at Bristol Childrens Hospital after an intensive course of chemo.

12 months on, and she is a different girl. She is currently signing Twinkle Twinkle, and laughing. We are so luckly to have such brave and happy children.

It's been a week of hospitals. Fri - Monday as she had a temp which we worked out was due to medication she recieved the previous thursday, and Wed - Fri this week in having an op to replace her ng tube for a gastrostomy. We also popped in to see some of the wonderful nurses on the BMT ward whilst we were there as we wanted to let them see the amazing difference they made to our little girl.

The biggest thanks however, goes to her Daddy. Without him, it wouldn't have all been possible.

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