The Electric Frying Pan

Dear Princess Normal & Fat Pete,

When Feefs & Er Indoors went out to buy essentials for the flat this weekend, I asked for a wok.

They looked at me as if I were AN INSANE PERSON.

Kiwis cook with an electric frying pan. And if you get a good one, it is a very handy thing, responding quickly to changes in setting. I've been using it all week for risotto, chili and tonight pasta with mince.

And now dinner is made and "Wonder Woman" is on the telly. The cats seem to be happier and getting on better and Er Indoors is enjoying a Lamingtons. But it's not all cake and pasta.

I have a form to fill in to get my IRD number (Inland Revenue) and tomorrow I am buying my official Business Analyst Suit so that interviewers will take me seriously and not think that I've spent the last 18 months of my life farting about writing recipes and drawing cartoons at Tesco Bank.

Let us hope they don't read this journal.


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