Nailed it marble-ously

Danny, Nate & I had coffee at the café next to Asha's school this morning...before Nate we'd start each day there...10 minutes together to know what each other was up to that day and to start the day off in sync. Today we met a lovely Roma man who is from the area, he nattered non stop to us for about 25 minutes, covering topics such as women's rights, religion, drug selling, dogs, childhood and much more. He was absolutely lovely! No doubt we'll see him again soon. Nate was mesmerised by him! 

This afternoon Asha & I gave nail marbling a go - it was a lot of fun and very messy! You cover your finger with glue, dip your fingers into the water with the paint, then peel the glue off to reveal your marbled nails. Not really my style, but a lot of fun with Asha!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting Carlos.
2) The sound of happy kids flying across the playground to the school gate at 2pm...
3) Finally booking Nate's next vaccination appointment.

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