The Mystery of the Amazing Colour-changing Rose
Once upon a time - 3rd July, earlier this summer, to be precise - I bought a miniature rose from Lidl. It was covered in yellow blooms and buds (see Extra). When it finished flowering, I dead-headed the tiny bush, in the hope that it might flower again this season.
Last night I returned home after nine days away, to find a wonderful surprise: my rose was in flower again, with a further bud - but that wasn't the only surprise: this rose and its bud are ORANGE! Now I've never heard of roses changing colour. So I was a bit puzzled, not to say flummoxed!
Twenty-four hours later, I had a thought and went and poked around the pot. I now suspect there isn't just one small rose, nor even two small roses, but possibly three plants all in the same pot. If I'm right, then there must be more yellow than orange, as the whole bush seemed to be covered in yellow blooms when I bought it. It's hard to be sure if my theory is right as there is a great deal of foliage to rummage through and lots of spikes to scratch my hands as I do so!
Perhaps it is just one plant and roses do change colour, but it seems doubtful. Anyone else had such an experience?
Though I chose yellow, I like this orange, too, and maybe next year the mystery will be solved ... or continue. Watch this space!
Total non sequitur: Saw dozens of huge Red Admiral butterflies on our walk today. Hooray!
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