campervan man

By campervan

The come back kid (or flower)

At the start of the season this lupin was spectacular, growing strongly and covered in flower spikes. It helped that it was the largest plant in that part of the border nearest the double gates so got lots of passing traffic and could be seen from the road.  Then disaster, or Lupin Aphid ,struck. Within a couple of weeks the plant looked as if it had been run over, floppy leaves, bare flower twigs rather than spikes and a generally very sad appearance. 
I got quite grumpy about this and chucked all sorts of things at these dam aphids. I do not usually use chemicals to attack insects but these  Aphids were so fat and smug my usual standards went out the window. Not sure which treatment worked but something certainly did. I cut the plant almost to ground level and up it came again, bug free. Not so many flowers this time round but I am just happy it has survived the aphids and, even more dangerous, my treatment

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