
By Beeonhive

Last Wedding

We had a wedding at our Church today and once again we were able to ring with majority of ringers from our own tower and only one from a nearby tower.  For many years we've had to have at least 3 from others towers.  

The wedding included a small gospel 'flash mob' Choir, which was a little odd but fun!

The Church is closing tomorrow for the re-ordering to begin.  A big project that has seem many fund raising events over the last 3 or so years.  We have finally got the money and faculty in place so it's all systems go.  While I appreciate that the re-ordering is necessary to make Church a more usable space, (we currently have not running water, toilet facilities, heating or kitchen) I shall be sad to see it changed.  It has been a big part of my life for 15 years and the place Matt and I met and later married.  

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