Yarnbomb, Fandango The Flamingo.

...." Hi Friends, I'm here to bring you joy. Life can be challenging and it can be easy to lose sight of joy in our lives. The little things are important, a beautiful sunset, a smile from a stranger, a butterfly passing by. These are a few of the joyful little things we may forget to notice. So I'm here to remind you to seek out your joy in life. I hope I have brought a smile to your face,  With Love,  Tigerchilli, yarnbomb artist."            
This fine piece of work was attached to the tennis courts on Jesus Green, along with the above note. I do think us blippers have found joy in the little things as it is part of being here and looking closely at our surroundings. Not too sure about the smile from a stranger. I would be worried it was someone I knew and didn't acknowledge and I would wrack my brains trying to recall where I'd met them !

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