Me, Myself and Starter

I had my morning planned with military precision in order to prepare the evening meal for David and Luca without compromising a lot of my free time.

Because I thought I needed something extra for my fish pie, I decided to visit Waitrose in Morningside rather than the nearer M&S in Princes Street because it opens earlier on a Saturday.(Are you following me?).

And so there was I out in the 7:45am gloom and feeling chilly in the 6° temperature but determined to reach Waitrose just after 8am, which I did, only to be told that their refrigeration unit had failed and they could not sell anything from the chilled counters.

Sod's Law indeed, requiring a rethink and a smart turn around to walk back to Tollcross and a successful purchase at Scotmid which is all of 5 minutes from the Dower House, but slightly lacking in the sophistication I had thought would be necessary for my purchase.

There you are then, a salutary lesson for today. Never judge a shop by its surroundings.

The other lesson learned was not to pay attention to these Apple Watch messages exhorting me to greater effort. Having been on my feet from 7:15 until 10:15, a ping and a message telling me to stand up and move about a little........I ask you! What a nerve!

Since my free time was not going to involve blip finding outside, I did some playing around with double exposures on my I pad. The background is our starter for tonight.

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