River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Red Wharf Bay #Anglesey

After heavy rain during the night we had a bright and sunny day.
MrD has worked 4 days this week and has today off. He worked 6 days last week, so is ready for a rest. He went off to the mountains on his motorbike this afternoon.
I met up with Margaret and had a nice catch up. I'd had a chat with Edward who used to be a colleague at the Water Board back in the 1970s, he told me that our close friend and colleague had passed away a couple of years ago. A few minutes later our colleague's widow appeared at the garden centre and we had a lovely chat. Amazing coincidence!
My friend Trish from table top was also there with my friend Celia.
Still dry when I got home so walked down the lane to pick blackberries and sloes, unfortunately the farmer has been cutting the hedges again (did this last year) so very few fruit to pick. It was nice down on the beach thou with lots of ships on the horizon. Extra photo gives their names ...
Watched The Sailor give his presentation via YouTube this afternoon, fingers crossed!
Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend :-)) x

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