This is the sunrise over the town from my office, it's odd as we've been stuck in a dense mist all day but at lunchtime I discovered it was really quite sunny for people in the town up the hill!
Yesterday was a good day, I went to see Australia (for a second time!) and I treated my mum and godmother to some much needed escapism, what makes it cool was that it was my godmothers first trip to the cinema in 30 years!!! There's no real reason why she stopped going to the cinema but over recent years it became apparent that she would always turn down invitations to the cinema just to keep up her record of abstinence! so mum and I plotted to break this habit and set her up good and proper!!!!
...thankfully she really loved the movie and has a big crush on Hugh Jackman now!! (I was lucky enough to meet Hugh in NYC in May 2004 and am going to get together with her and show all my photos and theatre programme of the boy from oz!)
time for me to logoff and head home for the evening now, have a good wednesday evening!
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