Cheeky cousins

Kerr did well at nursery this morning. His teacher said he started to get a bit upset towards the end but was super brave and managed to hold it together. There were no tears from him when I went to pick him up, so that's progress.

This afternoon we played lots with Lego. It has been a wet and miserable day so we didn't venture very far.

Swimming lesson at 4pm with cousin Lucy. What a difference I can see now in the 4 weeks since the lessons started. Kerr is now easily putting his head under the water to fetch toys, and today was even jumping in the big pool with no floats and not holding on to the instructor's hand. The whole lesson was held in the big pool again, and they seem to do much better there because they can't reach the bottom so have to learn to use the long floats and kick their legs to stay up.

After swimming we went to Pizza Hut with Abigail and Lucy. I had a voucher which expired today, so we had no choice really!

Almost impossible to get a decent photo of the three of them. This is the best of a bad lot! Kerr blow dried his hair after swimming, hence the spiky 'do'.

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