
Left my bubble for Leeds to go see a film with Forrest on his birthday. He turned twenty-six today and it was kind of surreal to realise that was the age of his mother when she married me. I was doing some pretty crazy things at that same age too! Where did all those years go?

Forrest decided on American Made, and it proved to be an excellent choice for both of us. You couldn't wish for a more perfect vehicle for Tom Cruise. Based on a true story, it played somewhat hard and loose with the facts, but that didn't really matter. It was true to the spirit of the times and the events upon which it was based. Simply rollicking great stuff and thoroughly entertaining from start to finish. The frightening thing at the end was to understand that it wasn't that far removed from what actually happened. Truth is so often more unbelievable than fiction. Awesome soundtrack too. It made me feel like I should make the effort to get to the cinema more often.

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