Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Foraging for 'shrooms

I went on a forage in Italy for funguses/funghi. Its good fun but you need an expert with you - Pablo told us to be careful and to ask him first before picking them. Apparently I did OK - well more or less OK.

My friend in Dublin texted me asking did I want to go to see Jhil Quinn in the Maritime Museum on Sunday 24th with her - so I replied yes please. Its part of Dun Laoghaire's music festival Coastal Notes

Then another friend sent me a whatsapp did I want to go and see The Voices of Erin on the 23rd in the Methodist Church and I am very tempted - this is a great venue and also part of the festival. I think I will go to this also

Dun Laoghaire will be good fun that weekend.

In Treviso now - final stage of my tour


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