The Pink Journey of a Lady Bird

I'm pretty rubbish at taking picks of it took a lot of trial and error to get a decent pick of this guy/girl.

Ma and Pa came over for a visit today.....after a while Dad had a snooze on the couch ......both the dogs cuddled up to was so cute except for his snoring...(Dads that is) when he made too much noise Beetle thought it was a good time to sneak around and put his tongue in his ear and lick his face.

Beetle was in the doghouse a bit today...last night he pissed in my shoe...good job it was my beachie ones that can be washed in the machine......what was I saying? nothing is sacred.

“It was generally called the "powder puff derby" and those who flew in it variously as "Ladybirds", "Angels" or "Sweethearts of the Air". (We are still trying to get ourselves called just "pilots".)”

-Amelia Earhart

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