Hillview Photography

By Nikki23Kerr


This blip is dedicated to the hard work of Sybil, my cat. As some of you may remember back in January of this year she was put on a diet by the V.E.T. At this time she weighed 6.53kg which is quite a lot for a cat. The V.E.T said that cats should lose about 100 grams a month. Well today at Sybils weigh in she weighed a fantastic 5.57kg. In recognition of her huge efforts the V.E.T said good, to get rid of the last half a kg we can reduce her food intake even more. I think Sybil understands human speak because the look she gave her was pure evil!!

So here is Sybil laying exactly where she is not really supposed to be on our bed!!

You can also see some of the garden behind her, she can now actually run around in the the garden without waddling!!

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