#40 - Magnolia Warbler
Ordinarily, I'd never post this photo because it's so heavily cropped and lightened. But, sometimes you don't have time to set up the ideal conditions when warblers come calling. In this instance, I was outside refilling the feeders just before leaving to meet up with my naturalist group when I saw a flash of yellow. It was in the shadows (of course) and much further away than I would have liked (of course), but ...here it is. I rarely see Magnolias in my yard in the spring, but almost always see at least one during the fall migration. In addition to being my 40th yard bird to be blipped this year, this is my 71st species seen in the yard this year.
On any other day, I would have blipped this amazingly snazzy caterpillar with it's cute pom-poms. But, warlber trumps caterpillar.
Today I released three male monarchs - for Helen Jenkins who lost her battle with cancer 10 years ago; for the victims of the earthquake in Mexico; and for a young man who lost his battle with drugs this week. Sadly, I also lost one butterfly today. When I got home, he was laying in the bottom of the enclosure with his wings crumpled. There was absolutely no hope of survival, so I humanly euthanized him. Made me sad, but I know I'm still so far ahead of the curve in terms of ensuring the survival of caterpillars to butterflies.
Still taking names for anyone you would want to honor with a butterfly release.
Be safe out there, people.
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