Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Storm Aileen.

Oh, c'mon Aileen...  What a lot of fuss about nothing.  The local TV flashed across our screens 'Storm damage', told us to expect 75mph gusts, high tides and coastal mayhem.  

I went out today to photograph the damage.

Well I can't see any broken trees, no white tops on the North Sea or waves breaking over the pier.  Another case of false news.

I slept through the night, we heard some rain but wasted our time tying up the rose bushes and bringing in the garden furniture.  However the luvvies on TV had the chance to behave like their trans-Atlantic mentors.  (Oop ee do, I wanna be like you-oo-oo)  They got to wave their arms around, gesture at silly Met Office charts and giggle and shriek amongst themselves.  OK, so they spooked a few thousand old people and small children but who cares?  Not them.

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