Meyer Cemetery in the Mist

When you dig my grave
Could you make it shallow
So that I can feel the rain
Gravedigger . . .

It was a spectacularly foggy morning, and I was trying to decide where to stop for pictures. I was thinking about how lovely the mist would look in a cemetery, but the fog had already lifted and moved out of Gray's Cemetery when I drove past it. I thought I might drive a little further. And so I did.

The mist was swirling around the top of the hill when I got to the Buffalo Run United Methodist Church, where route 550 and Rock Road meet. At the junction is Meyer Cemetery, one of the prettiest, most well kept cemeteries I've ever seen. I may only have ever posted one photo from this place, A Tree Called Life, though I've visited it several times.

I parked my car and got out and walked all around and enjoyed the rising, moving mist, and the light which was just starting to break through above the green corn fields across the road. There are some gravestones here that are favorite ones, and so I visited them, and I spoke their names out loud as I walked. And also:

Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to the faithful departed . . .

I am a lover of cemeteries, and tombstones, and history. I have played in graveyards - not in any kind of disrespectful way - as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories of childhood are of playing on and around the tombstones in the graveyard at my home church, St. John's.

Back then, I was little enough that my biggest fear was falling OFF a bigger tombstone if I climbed up it. (Yes, I know now I should not have been climbing them. Duly noted. You'll be happy to learn I gave up the habit years ago.)

I walked over to the little United Methodist church across the road, and admired the huge spider webs that had been built among the branches of a fallen tree limb behind it. The tree hadn't given up; its leaves were turning color for fall, and the fresh webs among the colorful leaves were a beautiful sight.

Just before I crossed the road to get back to my graveyard, I spotted the round circle of the sun in the sky, among the mist, above the cemetery, above the green fields. I couldn't resist framing the sun inside the cemetery gates. It looked kinda spooky, although I can assure you that all was peaceful and pleasant and lovely on scene.

The soundtrack for this cemetery image is a favorite song by Dave Matthews, Gravedigger, whose lyrics appear above. I am particularly fond of the version that he performed with Emmylou Harris on CMT Crossroads back in 2003, so I'm including that as well. This link includes the entire performance by Dave and Emmylou; Gravedigger is the first song on the recording. Enjoy!

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