
A little snack in the school grounds (breadsticks), after nursery.

Morning and afternoon session today. The report was "he's a good wee eater, isn't he?" True enough.

After nursery we biked about a bit and got rained on, then we dropped in to Morrisons to see if they had a Lightening McQueen DVD but they didn't. Heh. We went home and watched Monsters, Inc instead. CyclopsJnr liked it, but was devastated when (spoilers) the little girl goes back home.

CyclopsJnr was pretty grumpy and volatile after nursery to be honest, but looking at what they have done today I'm not surprised. They have painted concentric circles, and formed a band playing different instruments but only playing when told to play their one. That would all require A LOT of hard concentrating for my boy.

He's doing his best, and behaving very well at nursery so far as we can see. Just got to build up the stamina for it!

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