Looking Over My Shoulder

By GirlMick

Today's Blip is bought to you by...

the colour Green.

Today is MacMillan Nurses Big Coffee Morning (their signature colour is green). They are doing a fundraiser at work for this wonderful cause but because of the flippin' vertigo I'm not able to attend...that and I've been off work for 2 weeks so it wouldn't be appropriate to turn up for a coffee and bit of cake. I donated some pictures to be sold...wonder if any did.

Today is also the day that I feel a lot less green around the edges. I'm going back to work on Monday because there really is only so much Jeremy Kyle that a girl can take!

Talking of JK...isn't daytime tv so monotonously boring? One light in that daytime mist was the Alan Titchmarsh programme yesterday. They had some guy on there doing a bit about photography and he gave some really helpful tips. One of them being about long shutter speeds and 'dragging' your subject. I've done it a few times before...sometimes with great effect, sometimes without. I tried it again this morning and today's Blip is the result....a 'dragged' tree, unprocessed, untouched and very, very green :-)

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