Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Giant Fatberg found in London.

I recently discovered a new gizmo setting on my camera that allows me to photograph my lunch! So, here it is.

The incentive behind this was a news item on today's BBC website: A 250-metre long fatberg weighing 130 tonnes has been found blocking a sewer.

The solid mass of congealed fat, wet wipes, nappies, oil and condoms formed in the Victorian-era tunnel in Whitechapel, London. Thames Water described it as one of the largest it had seen and said it would take three weeks to remove. The company's head of waste networks Matt Rimmer said: "It's a total monster and taking a lot of manpower and machinery to remove as it's set hard."
The berg is 6 metres longer that London's Tower Bridge and is as heavy as a blue whale!

After that I opted for a healthy vegetarian lunch, served on my favourite vegetarian plate! 

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