How we feel:  Like two swans a-swimming!!!  We had wonderful news late this afternoon from our friend Dave who went to check on our house!  While there is a lot of debris all around the house and neighborhood, there were no trees down, and NO WATER IN THE HOUSE!!!!!  YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!  I can't tell you how relieved we were to get the phone call from Dave.....I felt like I could breathe again!  Dave's house and family are all fine too, so it appears that Sarasota as a whole, dodged a bullet.  There are lots of trees and power lines down and about 60% of Sarasota county is without power.  It will take a while to get that back for everyone, but we can live with that.  The fact that our windows and doors held is amazing.  We feel SO grateful.  
Thank you for all your kind words and messages.  We don't know when we can get back home because the airlines are beginning to add back flights.  The two closest airports are closed through Tuesday (tomorrow), so it will be either late on Wednesday or Thursday before we can get home.  It doesn't matter.  What does matter is that we CAN go home.  We are luckier than thousands of other people affected by this horrible hurricane.  My heart aches for them and what it will take to put their lives back together.  

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