The Boys

Rich (l) & James (r) had invited me & the kids round for lunch today. We whipped up a batch of walnut macarons to take with us. We had a thoroughly lovely time - a delicious lunch of cheeses, homemade hummus, avocado, tomato & mozzarella salad, olives and pimientos de padron. Then dessert of amazing ice cream with freshly sliced figs and an espresso poured over the top - SO. GOOD. 
As ever, they were wonderful company and hands on with Asha & Nate...a great help. 
We got home & were out again within 20 minutes when a friend from San An said she & her daughter were in Ibiza Town to do some paperwork and did we fancy half an hour at the swings? 

After a fun day, the kids have settled to sleep early. 

Drama of the day;
Discovering the 3rd of Asha's close friends at school isn't returning this year...poor Asha...not sure how to break it to her that she's the only one going back... Hopefully the 2 other girls in her class will still be there, or a new girl...otherwise it's just Asha and 10 boys. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) J&R...such hospitable & generous people...I've even come away with clothes for the homeless guys.
2) Friendships that feel many people come and go on this island...but people like J&R feel rooted here, as do Sinead & Darcey and her family...I feel grateful that it's unlikely Asha will have to say goodbye to them any time soon.
3) People checking up on me! Different people messaging to see how I'm getting on, some to see if I was ok as I'd not blipped yesterday!!

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