Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Ranger Sam on work placement

The end of the first day of a full week work placement with the Ranger Service and Nature Boy is extremely happy. He got the H&S stuff out of the way today and then got on with setting up the trail cameras for the pine Martins, helping with centre displays, clearing overgrowth from accessible pathways, topping up wildlife feed areas and all the while learning about the day to day work of rangers along with top tips for applying for ranger posts from his fantastic host. Apparently Aberdeenshire is the most sought after ranger post in the country with people applying from overseas for positions. You can understand the draw; the beauty and diversity of our landscape and wildlife must be a huge pull, even in all weathers..and we certainly get all weathers.

Sam went into great detail tonight telling us what he'd got up to and what he's got planned this week, a sure fire sign he's a happy lad. The ranger also has a collie dog so what's not to like. He's heading up Mither Tap tomorrow, rain or shine. I'm beyond pleased he's finally got this opportunity to see Ranger work up close and hands on. I bet ya I'm signed up as a Bennachie Baillie by the end of the week!

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