
By Chriss


I rather fancy that this shadow looks like a stick person boogying
Or maybe not
Maybe my 'try to notice something in a more abstract way' is a total fail
Or maybe not
Anyway it is what it is & it caught my eye (it's a shadow on some church steps)
Beautiful day today so I went down to Port Chalmers to have a wander around. There is a rather unexpected little oasis above the town - the Lady Thorn Dell. You can hear the noise & bustle from the port below, but it is contrasted by the flowers & birdsong around you.
Rather lovely.
It also struck me today how frequently you strike up conversation with other people because you are taking photos or identified with because you are carrying a camera bag.
Had an interesting conversation with an interesting person today which opened with ' I see you're carrying a camera bag as well'....................

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