The Septembers of my past used to tumble quickly into fall. Sweaters, cool nights, chilly mornings. Recently they have often seemed a warm and humid extension of August with no need for sweaters. This year is a bit more like the old days, cooler and really feeling like the season is about to change. We've had a drought in New England in August. The lack of rain seems to have stressed the trees and consequently some leaves seem so dry and to be changing sooner. The old sugar maples out front are in the group beginning to change and their autumn colors looked so warm in the cool afternoon sun today.
For the Record,
This day came in cool with lovely fall temperatures and sun.
All hands riveted to the television following Hurricane Irma. The storm surges seem to be far less than predicted, a true miracle. A very long day of worry for Floridians may turn out better than expected.
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