It's cold up here!!!

We went to RAF Scampton Airshow today, a fantastic time, really impressed with the whole show and the first class organisation. The weather wasn't too kind to us, but being positive it was mostly dry, but in reality it was very cold. 

I had forgotten how the wind whips across the airfield. When we lived in married quarters there in the early '70's, B was away most of the time and had the car. The long walk to the camp gates to get the 7am bus for an early shift and walking home at 10pm after a late shift , was a nightmare when it was blowing a gale and hissing with rain. Still it kept me fit!!!

I don't know how these ladies on top of the planes cope with the cold!!!!

I took about 2,500 pictures today, so have just grabbed one to represent the day. I will have to sort out the rest at some point in time. The skies were mostly grey, so not sure how many of the pictures will be worthwhile.

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