
By Beewriter

It's a Northern Thing!

I went on a little jaunt to Ramsbottom today. Well it was the Official World Black Pudding Throwing Championship...what better way to spend a showery Sunday afternoon! With one hundred pounds up for grabs we all queued up with three black puddings in our hands. Now, I might work with blood, but one food I won't eat is a black pudding....just the thought makes me squirm....I don't like the smell. In fact the smell of blood isn't a pleasant one anyway. When I have to count the bags of blood to check we have only stored ten in a polar bag I hold my breath as I can't stand the smell! But I digress.....

So, I had my three puddings. The man in front was a friendly chap and he was weighing up his puddings trying to work out how hard to throw them...It's a serious business throwing a pudding! As he limbered up his shoulders I handed Carole my camera so she could capture my glorious moment when I toppled the giant yorkshire this button to focus then keep pressing to take, yes, that have to look through the viewfinder as it won't come up on the screen, if you stand over there you'll get the best shot, are you ready......

She was ready. She held the camera awkwardly, but she was in the best place......"Where are you from?" asked the man with the mike, "Worsley" I replied, "Ohh it's posh in't Worsley" he he he. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Carole was primed and ready to click, I put my foot on the grid stone and threw....too high. I took a breath and aimed lower.....too low. If I was flippin' Goldilocks the third one would have been just right, but I'm not and so I missed completely. Ah well, it was fun. 

"Are they okay?" Carole handed me my camera. There wasn't one pic there, she'd focussed and that was it ha ha ha ha. It was a good job I didn't win lol. 

We had a mooch around the craft stalls, a cuppa in a teashop and then I treated myself to a new jacket in a lovely little shop. It was a rather pleasant Sunday afternoon. 

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