
By FionaRobinson

A glut of tomatoes

As the slugs had started munching the tomatoes, I harvested the lot - and hope that most of the green ones will ripen on the windowsill and save me adding to the chutney collection in the cupboard.  I've been self sufficient in tomatoes for weeks (apart from a couple of days when my folks were visiting) which isn't bad for only 4 plants in pots on the patio.  The majority coming from the 2 "tumbler" plants.

A good visit to J this afternoon, first time I'd walked him up to the hospital café for a cuppa and a cake without someone else with me.  A new treatment plan starts next week, so hopeful for some more progress soon.

I went to Ann and Brian's golden wedding party in the evening - a lovely occasion but slightly strange to be with all of J's extended family without him.  Didn't get home until nearly midnight, which is way past my bedtime these days!

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