All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

It's a Gruffalo!

Today went from being a day I'd been breaking my heart over all week to actually being pretty pleasant!

Cleo eating better again today - has started eating proper cat food, albeit little and often, and drinking water from her bowl. Hubbie spoke to vet who agreed she's not in pain so happy to wait till Saturday till he sees her again and we'll decide then what to do. If she's still eating and still happy enough then hopefully we can just carry on as we are until things change.

Hubbie, Ethan and I had to go to the doctors this morning to get our vaccinations for our forthcoming holiday to Mexico. I was dreading Ethan getting his, especially as he had to have 2 jags. But he was a wee star - he flinched at the first one and struggled a wee bit at the 2nd but didn't cry at all and was really no bother.

In the afternoon I took him for a wee playdate to my friend Lesley's house. It's her sons 3rd birthday tomorrow so we took his birthday present along and the boys had fun playing together. They even vanished up to Logan's bedroom for a while to play with trains there, while Lesley and I got 10 minutes catch up time together. Fab!

I bought Ethan new Gruffalo wellies, a hat and gloves today - he is especially taken with the hat and insisted on wearing it round the house complete with tag!

This evening I went to a facial party at a neighbours house. It was nice to get out for an evening and enjoy a wee bit of pampering!

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