Beautiful Boy!

Today was a busy ol day!

Firstly up and out early to visit sis, and see if Kobi had remembered danger of that, he was like an excited kangaroo !!!

Sis and I went out for a few hours, I bought 3 new loo brushes and got 3 Christmas presents, I am ashamed to say!! Sis also bought a couple of christmas related things too!

We both had a lovely tuna nicoise salad for lunch, then headed back to Sis's house to take Kobi out for a good run......todays blip is of him after he had stopped charging around like a loon on themfields. He is now 6 months old, weighs 35 kgs, getting more obedient by the day and has the most lovely nature, although sis thinks he thinks hes a cat, he twines and curls in and out between your legs, just like a cat would! Oh, and half kangaroo, judging by the bounding :-))

Once I left sis's earlier than usual, to get back home to pick up hub, to then drive over to middle sons for his birthday tea at 6. The drive home took over an hour, busier than usual!

We set off 3.50pm....only to then find that the authorities had closed the south bound M6, meaning we had to detour all over the place, together with thousands of others....we eventually arrived in Congleton at 7pm!!

We did have a lovely 3 hours, nice food, four of our five granddaughters were there, all on good form, its also One of their birthdays on Tuesday, so presents and cards where passed on to her too.

Our journey home was much easier, thankfully, just over an hour.......boy was I tired, especially as Id only had 5 hours sleep last night!!

Night night all...zzzzz

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