RISK Legacy X

The picture shows the standing after 10 games played.
In this last game Leander started with die Mechaniker in Iceland,
Kobe with Enclave of the Bear in Alberta, Hannes with Khan Industries in Japan, Tarek with the Aliens in Southeast Asia, and me with the Mutants in Brazil.
Nothing much to say about the game itself. Hannes quickly took Tarek HQ and proceded towards occupying Asia. Tarek stayed in Australia and was waiting for the beam me down event cards. I took South America, due to the biohazard mark in Venezuela and the fallout territory in the territory formely known as North Africa I received extra troops at the end of my turn. Taking a long way I tried to take Leanders HQ, which failed because I lost too many troops. Leander took Europe after this and everybody concentrated on me, forgetting Kobe who took Hannes' and Leander's undefended HQ's, ending the game. They had a pact to take on me, but Kobe obviously has no honour :-) and won by the only way he can ever win a game of risk.
Noteworthy things that happened in the game : almost all the Mutant event cards were played and no Alien event cards. This gave me 1 red star token because no human faction had a continent (agent of chaos), and all three fallout cards were played (roll 1 die for each territory connected by land to the fallout territory and remove that many troops from it). Because no other troops than mine were present (mutants), nobody's troops were destroyed. The card stipulates that after playing it, it needs to be destroyed... the dilemma is if they were played or not? (discussion for next time).
Next game in three weeks.

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