Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Back Blip - White Water Rafting

Today we drove to Denali (via breakfast at the "World's Most Northerly Dennys") and went white water rafting on the Nenana river. Despite the scary prep talk which basically told us we would in all likelihood be killed, we survived and it was just the right balance of peril and fun. I could've done it all again. It was only when I got home I realised our travel insurance didn't cover us for the grade of rapids we went down, so probably for the best we survived. 

I think this photo sums it up - in the next one I have a face full of water. As it's glacial melt water it is a beautiful colour but contains no fish. The bears around here survive on berries, and are not as big as the ones further south. 

We checked into our lodge which offered chocolate pizza at the restaurant. I approve of that. 

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