Late Afternoon Light

It wasn't a very warm day. There was a strong cold wind. It is to get much colder tomorrow. Back to winter again.

I am still not feeling well temperature was up a but today and I still don't have a voice. 

This hasn't been a good week for electronic things. First leaving my camera in Akaroa. Then the internet not working on my tablet. Two days ago I lost Internet on my computer. Someone ..not naming names broke the internet stick on the computer. My youngest son who is in this shot came around this afternoon with a new one. That's when more problems started. 

The new one worked for a shot time then it wouldn't work. After a long time my son decided to connect the telephone one to the computer and I got internet again. He seems to think my computer needs updating.

After my son left I was at the door to get a shot for the day when he came back again as he forget to give me some banana cake he had made. So I asked if I could take a photo of him for today's blip. 

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