
By woodleywise

Yeah verily, I have striven ....

......to “Be excellent to each other” for years that numbereth three.

The word according to Blip is as follows:
Blipfoto is for everyone. While we have a few simple rules, we sum them up with be excellent to each other. In other words, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it!
Blipfoto is moderated by our own moderation team and the community as a whole.
Well, like the three wise Blippers, I have endeavored to:
See no evil -  Hear no evil - Speak no evil
God the strain is killing me. Please cut me a little slack. Can’t I just tell one person that the 152nd photo of their dog is really quite similar to the 87th one? Just once? Please.
Some other simple rules are:
1.    No inappropriate content
Don't post anything we may deem obscene, sexually provocative, racist or otherwise derogatory.
One of my Blips was banished into the fiery furnace that dwells in the land known as Trash. I wear this a badge of pride. A small step along the trail blazed by the Venerable Beewriter .
As I recall the item was a photo of a tattoo of a Saint and it might have sexually provoked a religious pervert I suppose.
2.    Own the copyright
Only post content to which you own the copyright.
The banned Blip was borrowed from Google Images so the censors might have got me bang to rights on this one.
3.    No advertising
Don't use Blipfoto for commercial purposes.
I have enjoyed being part of an anarcho syndicalist autonomous workers’ collective and  it never occurred to me to try to make money out of Blip. On the positive side I have dobbed a few advertisers in it myself
4.    Save the day
When you post your photo for the day, please make sure it’s posted against the day it was taken.
I have erred and strayed from my way like lost sheep. My sins are manifold. I have published photos on dates that correspondeth not to the date whereof they were taken, and there is no health in me.
That's it!

On this self same day I have inhabited this mortal coil for three score years and ten. Now I intend to go into the wilderness for a cooling-off period of at least forty days in order to regain my focus (geddit?).

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