Bath time bunnies

Last nights bedtime was hideous

There was so much going on outside the house due to the accident the children couldn't settle. The police then came round and wanted to see the pictures I had of the lads running away. Daddy got home, was home for ten minutes then went shooting.
Eventually settled them down.
Police came round for witness statement, did feel a bit self conscious sat in my pjs with wet hair!!

Munchie was very unsettled.
Ended up with her in our bed.
Daddy got home and went into her bed. Heard him leave at 2am today for Germany.

Realised at 7:40 I needed to get wom to nursery before taking Munchie to school. Slight panic but we made it.
Had an informal meeting with nursery to discuss how well he's settled. All positive.

Have tidied, worked, played.

Grandmas come over for tea
I'm hopeful for a better night tonight!

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