Dodging the rain showers

This morning I only had a little walk because it was chucking it down with rain. We both got absolutely soaked through to our skin and when it was time for my afternoon walk Ann's anorak still wasn't dry. Grrrrrrrr...................

Anyway Ann had to go to 'City Plumbing' at Long Rock so she said, 'Molly, you might as well come with me. We can walk to Marazion and back along the cycle trail and then you can wait in the car while I do what I have to do.'

I didn't like that plan. I knew I would have to stay on my lead because I have a dreadful habit of walking right in front of cyclists if I'm off my lead. Also the cycle trail is right next to the railway line and I don't like railway lines. They make horrible noises that I can hear, but humans can't, so I always pull on my lead and walk really quickly when I'm near them. And what made things worse...................... Just look what you can see in the background of this photo........................... A doggy having fun on the beach. And dogs aren't even allowed on this beach until 1st October. I was sooooooooo jealous!

….................And guess what I did when I got back to the car? …....................I jumped in all by myself. I haven't done that for months so it just goes to show that I can do it?!

Anyway because I hadn't really enjoyed my walk, and because I'd jumped into the car by myself, and because I'd waited patiently for Ann when she was in City Plumbing well I didn't have a choice in the matter did I?, and because it wasn't raining......................... I got an extra walk. Yay! I had half an hour down at the river where I was off my lead for the whole time so I did lots of running and swimming.

Tired now!

And it's actually turned out to be quite a nice evening which is good because Ann's off out for dinner and then is going to see her fav band BLOOZE as it's the start of the 'St Ives September Festival'.

Happy Friday evening peeps. xx

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