Ruffled Feather (AT115) WideAngleWednesday result

A light pad back lit feather found in the garden.  Two small areas of damage which I've included just to disrupt the pattern.  

Another great set of varied entries for Wide Angle Wednesday, this week I have managed to pick a winner!

So, favourites to:

Freyad (winner) for her excellent church yard image
Jensphotos - lovely ethereal image and suffering for her art
2nd Season - gritty reality and perspective
Graham Colling - perspective and an imposing point of view
Hannah (Bob's daughter) imaginative selfie!

Honourable Mentions to:
Californiagirl - sneaking in a 9 reference
RobBris50 - opportunist commute blip
Rockarea - a classic landscape on Dartmoor
Mambo - a lone determined surfer

Thank you to everyone who has entered - there is something to admire in all of the entries and it was not easy making the choices.   I have really enjoyed hosting and if you'll have me I'll volunteer to go again in the future.

Next week I am travelling so the reins are returning to BobsBlips.  Same format widwedddmmyy .... you all clearly know how this works :-)

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