The Calm Before the Storm.....

    We are preparing for hurricane Irma now.  Yesterday I showed the gas lines, today the closed stations are open and pumping gas, though, there are still gas lines.
Today, I loaded up all garbage and things that can fly in the wind and went to the dump.  I will bring garbage cans into the garage, pull out the generator and hope I can start it.  If I can use that, I will be fine.  The house is strong but we will loose power.  With the generator, I will have water from the well, my refrigerator will stay cold, I can cook, and maybe, just maybe I can have internet connection and definitely keep phones and computer charged.
      While I was at the dump, I was on top of a hill.  The temperature is 80, the air is fairly dry and comfortable, there is a light breeze which is delightful.  It truly is like the calm before the storm, but I know, from watching the weather careful, it is the front coming south which is going to be the steering currents. They will take the hurricane out to the east/north-east.

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