Stayed at Graham's so as to avoid being stranded in London til the wee hours. Also, because I like Graham.
We got to his at about 1.30 (maybe? I can't remember). I barely slept - it was sooooo cold. I was wearing enough layers that he commented that I looked Amish, but I was still freezing.
This morning we went for breakfast (unlimited toast for £1.50) at Turl Street Kitchen, then Graham went upstairs for work. I did some shop browsing, had a coffee and read some Anna K, had a lonnng walk and saw a big door next to a little door. I met G again at lunch - we sat by the Radcliffe Camera in the sun and had chats.
Then home! I nearly fell asleep on the train. I could've woken up in Winch. That would have been a shame.
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