It seemed like a good idea!

Well it wasn't ! I decided to stay up late in order to catch the windmill lorries crossing the Ardrishaig bridge with their full load of windmills. Since Monday a convoy of very long lorries carrying humongous windmill bits has been leaving Machrahanish or there abouts travelling at top speed of 25 miles an hour leaving at midnight. My inumerate brain told me they should therefore be near Ardrishaig at about 3am or so.
Down I went in the black black night ( A&B Cooncil are saving money so no street lights) Got down and there was a car waiting with its lights on and engine running. Turns out it was the guy who owns the canal basin garage who was entrusted along with his son to remove the 4 railings so the lorries would have clearance right to the edge!
I sat in the nice warm car and waited and waited and waited. Finally at about 4.15am I gave up and went home but stood at my upstairs window as I could see any blue lights coming along. Eventually I looked out at 4.45 am and saw R & son putting the railings back! I went to bed and had the best sleep ever so there was an upside!
What happened to the convoy? Well the lead lorry took the verge just North of Tarbert and ended on its side in the ditch! No one had the gumption or forethought to have given Rs mobile no to the drivers so poor R & son and I were waiting for a convoy that was doomed north of Tarbert!
I tried getting along today to get a picture but couldnt but the Oban Times and the Squeak got one! Here was me hoping they would have got stuck on the bridge and I would have had a good shot! Thankfully the driver was ok.
Well think I will give tonight a miss.....or maybe not , who knows! So tadays picture is the more boring standbye of just the canal basin.
Happy blipping all

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