From Day to Day....

By GuernseyGirl

Oh dear slight problem...

I was down at the beach taking some blips of boats and as I was about to leave this man turned up at the slipway. The tide had washed the sand away from the slipway and there was a large gulf which was not suitable for driving his vehicle and boat off the beach. So out he gets, gets his shovel and starts filling in the hole. I didn't stay to see if he managed - I hope he did - the tides coming up!! I think he had gone down the other slipway which was now partly under water! View LARGE!

I may not be blipping for a few days depends on connection. We are going to London for our nephews wedding in St Paul's Cathedral no less! My brother in law has an OBE and his son who lives in London is allowed to get married in the OBE chapel at St Pauls. We go to the reception at Gray's Inn by double decker so should be a great day! Will blip photos soon!

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