Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

(Not so) old habits die hard

on our first day back
met Jean-Pierre in a café
as we're wont to do

To ease myself back, I had planned to meet Jean-Pierre to debrief our summer. You know about ours. Theirs (Anne's and his) was busy, as they moved houses mid-August. They're currently working in their new house, in a village that virtually built in clearing in the forest. I visited the house and they have well started on the work: it will be great when they're done!

Medical appointments at 11:15 and 14:45. When I said I felt better without my glasses than with them she said: yes, that's the first stage before you need glasses to read and watch TV. My eyesight has slightly lowered, so she set me for a new pair of glasses, with the instruction to only use them, basically, when I'm driving. I have the prescription, now I just have to go to the optician's and voilà! She said I'm still good for another three years, give or take one.

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