Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Up early to load lambs for the sale at the farm where we manage the livestock. In the pouring rain. Then we gathered in all the sheep from the hill parks in the pouring rain. Then we separated off the lambs and vaccinated them and it was showers. Then we put the lambs onto the aftermath silage grass to wean them and the sun appeared and then we put the ewes back to the hill and it was blue skies and sunshine!

In the afternoon we got in our own cattle and put on the quiet wean nose flaps that allow the calves to graze but can no longer get milk from their mums. We used them last year and found that because the calves are weaned from mums milk but still with mum for reassurance they are all happier and less stressed when we actually seperate them.

18c wet wet wet then sunshine

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