
By Kuifje

"Two roads...

...diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost.

Had it though? Had it made the difference? As she closed the book and looked up and out of the window, a myriad of thoughts escaped from the sub-conscious of her mind and into reality.

If it hadn't made the difference at the time, all those years ago, would taking the path now make a difference, allow for change?

It was a risk she was willing to take, wasn't it?
Too many questions, not enough answers.

It was all about just making that one decision, agreeing that things were going to be very different, preparing for the change. Preparing for any aftershocks that might come her way.

She had to be brave, honest, open, vulnerable, honourable. She could be, couldn't she?
Just needed to decide. To test the waters perhaps?

Time. In time, there's always time. Jump or not?

And that has made all the difference.

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